Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Certainly onrushing weeks uniquely felt - scud by: blustered clouds.  Eugene's been cold, woke to inch of snow one morn.  In the seventies dude blew his attic full of rock wool (small chunks of fiberglass) insulation.  Now getting older, wanting access to things mechanical/attic rigged his yard tractor vacuumed out all rock wool replaced with fiberglass batts.  Answer his ad for free insulation, bring home truck load rock wool insulation half in large plastic bags, half in huge (6'x8'x2' roughly) fabric seed bag.  Backing into dry carport knock side view mirror out of metal retainer miraculously not shattering, break one corner pressing back into retainer.  Could have been better, could have been worse.    
     Walk 4+ miles Wednesday to mall, late Hometown Buffet lunch, Narnia at $1.25 theater.  Get wet walking home spend evening stove roasting hypothermic bod.  
    Next day throw free rock wool insulation bags through middle bedroom window
haul up ladder through ceiling access hole in hall outside bath door
into attic.
3-4" vermiculite between downward stressed 2x4 ceiling joists spanning 14 feet (house west side), carrying plaster/lath ceiling.  Measured deflection midway between center wall, outside wall: 1".  
Wear mask anytime handling fiberglass begin laying heavy rock wool bags front west corner of house attentive for possible building changes learn front porch attic/gable end (below) fully accessible from house attic.  Ultimately will replace rock wool bags with lighter fiberglass batts, once floor structure is sound may jack ceiling, add stringers/king posts between roof rafters/ceiling joists making even load carrying trusses, straighten ceiling dip - we'll see.  Reconsider front porch plans, decide from this vantage point will remove porch, replace with same roof line more lightly framed for metal, allow more winter light through open (instead of sided as now) gable, screen off opening into attic above insulation for ventilation. 
Few boards to walk on, step gingerly from one springy 2x4 joist to next careful not to pressure plaster/lath ceiling.  Attic high enough to walk in.  Note 2x4 roof rafters running full length of what must be nearly 20' roof span with no support, no ridge rafter.  Bowed down a bit sure 'nough but supporting original shakes, two layers asphalt shingles fine - old roof torn off, metal roof will be much lighter load (toward front west corner above front room.)
Purchase garbage bags on Freddy Meyer grocery trip, rip open huge seed bag, shovel rock wool into garbage bags, throw 'em through  middle bedroom window, haul into attic through hallway ceiling hole.  Bags nearly laid - using all to cover front room only, my current living space - looking toward back of house chimney distant ghost.
Another look chimney wise reveals forehead high brace every second rafter set - duck walk or else!  Chimney masonry sound to roof.
Sunday answer Craigslist ad for 200 square feet used good condition six inch fiberglass batts/$20.  Chev north few miles retrieve insulation, lumber scraps/firewood unwanted by homeowner - park in dry carport awaiting installation above kitchen, firewood dicing up.  Will probably only add batts in attic from here on as desired attic insulation end point is 18" of fiberglass batts.
     Roll garage apartment carpet, support off floor on ex kitchen drawers (one end roll visible lower center photo behind futon/couch) to avoid damage, await installation in middle bedroom down the line.  Requisition garage apartment closet fabric door (removed)
doubled for weather barrier on hall (unheated) side of bad fitting/not closing front room hall door.  Won't further dismantle garage apartment - maintain as alternate sleeping spot.
Wind blowing hall door open one morning despite weather barrier prompts attempt at 'fitting' door.  Place crow bar between jamb/door persuade, revealing substantial play in latch side jamb, upper hinge. 
Scrape away loosened paint, soundly nail headed large 16 penny through jamb into stud where door's fit is tightest,
replace puny 3/4" top door hinge screw with 2-1/2" sheetrock screw tight into stud,
replace nonholding top lockset screw with longer screw so won't be loose/impair tight fitting door close, glue thin sliver of wood on edge of door (right of screw)
makes closing hall door: before cleanup.
Representative of past work done on Swett Lodge is door's striker plate discovered on inspection in perfect spot under layers of paint.  Good theory to patch holes before painting alright but a few minutes removing striker plate first would achieve more elegant result, no?  Remove putty from lower latch hole, chisel latch way to striker plate, now door closes, latches a good snug weather resistant fit.
          Burned 'bout half first load pallets,
cold weather no end in sight, gladly answer Craigslist ad for second load free pallets.  Gather Kate's battery charger, fire up old Chev, haul pallets home Saturday am,
stack behind garage for future butchering - feel more secure with reserve.
Lately keeping body & soul together/comfortable predominates.  House improves incrementally, learn more detail filling in future project blanks - for instance still feel removing both porches prior to raising the house sensible, will move in that direction.
     Everyone afflicted by winter fever up here - attended three weekend parties.  Friday after hurried post insulating shower join Kate at Southwest Seas/hula theme house party for work colleagues - enjoy good conversation/food.  Saturday musician neighbors party for first time in five years renting, laying out burgers with all the fixins'.  Three bands they are members of rock originals/covers.  Fun/filling for me though clearly the 'older neighbor'.  Sunday Kate hosts a Pisces birthday party/Oscar night for clan members.  They eat well (Sunday my fast day), drink well, all a good time.  Nice when family enjoy one another.
   The days slip by.  Discipline allows fitting in quite a bit - continue exercising 1-1/2 hours/day; eat - most days fruit/nuts/brown rice/lentil/tomato/leafy green/carrot diet, sleep well; walk day/week; blog day/week; keep up with family/friends - more than one currently need prayer - weeks go by quickly.  Love friends, one calls says: 'Realized I'm lazy. You know you should be doing more.', another emails: 'Do you read your posts before publishing?'.  Spend time mulling work direction - weather, project's magnitude suggest cold feet: options, emotions require consideration as well.  Try to get daily music time.  So while some might imagine camp lifestyle glamorous, taking care of business consumes as in most walks.  
      Be well.  Enjoy.      


  1. Dan,
    Is there a working sink in the house? I hope it warms up soon for you.

  2. Kitchen sink has worked right along, fortunately. Spring will spring soon. :)
