Monday, March 21, 2011


     Windy rainy awakening don T-shirt, jeans, socks, shoes, long sleeved shirt, fleece vest, knit cap - OR's not SoCal: ready to face the day.  Removal gutters front, back porch; west side imminent 
Swett Lodge  approves/initiates day's work.  Gutters hung with hardened 5" long 1/4" head screws - ladder, rain, cordless drill, round out three 1/4" sockets taking 'em down.

East side front porch roof leaks/needs attention soon. 
Prefer no gutter 'cottage' look - doubt they'll be replaced specially on this garden side.  Neighbor mentioned: 'Not much observable change', retort:  'Won't be much change'.   Like general house layout, window placement, will use what's here as reasonable - Swett Lodge will be more sound/comfortable/functional won't appear too different.  (post stump)
Amazing back porch roof is waterproof looks/is dilapidated without gutter.
Gutters, downspouts parted out stored lower 'lumberyard' shelf - may reuse.

     Today's nice: get to write unlike yesterday.  Peas, lettuce coming up well in front of porch trellis ready in opening photo.  Far end between rows front of root parts tulip rescued from stump root grips, replanted.  Wednesday retrieve third freebie futon.  Wash cover, sheet dust protect use ready in front bedroom - Swett Lodge full complement sleep arrangements, plan your visit.  Yard work ready heavy rains encourage musical afternoon. 

     Great Stump Debacle 

Previously derooted south/front stump side dig stump north (left).  Rest/record major root dirt free - dark hole below saw handle through to foundation - stump has no hope now.  Hah!  Definitely not sure this baby'd come out many times.
Dig out north root handsaw/hack/clear pile smaller roots.   By distant handsaw
unearth two sprinkler zone valves - now know their location will return to check functionality.  Valves
just south of 2-1/2" tree root encouraged foundation crack.
Quite a root all togetherly.  Front sprinkler pipe clearly visible involved with stump at right.
Have already cut one four inch root from behemoth's belly - here's another.  Water collects 'bout 18" BELOW foundation bottom.  Mid west freeze requires four foot or deeper foundations, here 8-12" below grade suffices.
Skinned for sawing.
Bike to Kate's collect saw, gas, bar oil, saw tool, file.
Spud's good enough to let me use saw though harsh stump use will soon require new chain - my treat.  Still springy outside bring saw in house to sharpen.  Crank up stove, radio: job's less rustic.
Chain saw teeth dull contacting abrasives like dirt.  Front edge of tooth gets rounded, increasingly bull nosed, won't grab/cut.
Proper size rat tail file tooth fronts at appropriate angle - 35 degrees sticks in mind, keep angle consistent -

'til straight/sharp.  Top tooth corner, edge will be catching/sharp - thumb check as you go. 
Eighteen teeth each side - teeth angles alternate - makes thirty six teeth sharpened three times Sunday alone results: heel of right palm blister where rotated - bites better, cuts faster - rat tail file contacts/irritates.  Blessed - only injury whole mud slipping, sliding axe/saw mess.
Saw cleaned up, sharpened, ready to go next to blade scabbard with saw tool, rat tail file on top.
North root excised,
chunked (note transplanted tulip upper left)
awaits rain wash prior to stove size chain sawing.  Rest's a piece of cake - not!
Having cleared south side stump roots earlier 'twas easy redigging.  Bark peeled for chain sawing sprinkler pipe entwined section.
Off it comes.  Dirt dulls - why clearing dirt from around stump helps.  Tree involvement bent sprinkler pipe.
Next: two wedge shaped pieces fall to saw.
Thin enough to cut through, skin stump, take bite of north side.  Hard heart wood deflects saw cut - nearly 24" - to arc.
Hack/persuade: guess what can't stand on its own any longer.  Large south chunk bark stripped for sawing.
Final piece up out of hole, halved.
Gnarly used to be stump firewood stack awaits rain wash, saw chunking.
My favorite: saw deflected arc, keystone root chunk.  Don't know why they bury firewood here.
What stump?

Truly appreciate handiwork from park - good riddance.  Stump impacted foundation less than feared, excellent it's gone - nice radish, lettuce spot.  Focus: Swett Lodge.  Yes today is much more relaxing than yesterday. 


  1. That was a big, giant stump. How many hours did that take, including the saw sharpening? What a great sense of accomplishment for you. Will you have to fence in your garden to keep people from walking in it and rabbits, ground hogs and deer from eating it?

  2. Something like 2-1/2 eight hour days - glad that mess is gone! I won't start with fences unless necessary - goes against my grain. :)
