Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Wednesday last four mile hike through town cross new I-5 pedestrian suspension bridge, take in current Harry Potter at $1.25 theater - not bad, kids good/old enough to be watchable - prior; groove front walk with masonry bladed skill saw reducing 7 inchers
to nubbins one still slightly usable.
Successively deeper grooving paid off in 1-1/2" - key's shoulder depth - cut.  Slab won't break yet but a couple more blades - they disintegrate as they cut - should do the job. 
Deals abound for the discriminating shopper.  Current weapon of choice: $.99 24 ounce Hamm's - that's little more than the $.25 C&L Bar glasses of beer in WI 30 years ago.
Sunday hoof 'n price masonry blades - will keep thrift shopping for 'em - walkable day, legs itching do couple miles, stock up on soon needed bulk items.  Three pounds each rice, lentils, peanuts, bananas; two pounds carrots; 36 ounces chocolate; romaine hearts - 17 pounds food to carry home in plastic bags.  A third to home find piece pennant stringer tie 8+lb bag on each end sling over broad shoulders - save ever abused hands - bit of a yoke.  Got those groceries home by golly.
     Dear reader mentioned enjoying my logic - god bless! - on the ground feels like putting out fire after fire should have been done long ago.  Each approaches life uniquely, logic - in this case Swett Lodgic? - could be ascribed to any.  Every year the mighty Willamette takes lives in its turbulence just as life does, course none pass unscathed.  Brings to mind three blind men/elephant - all distinct perceptions.  Consciousness is like the blind men - each: unique life perception, their own elephantness a blind spot.  Each as life's diamond's facets - multiple passages or no - allows enjoyment of self inflicted mess, realize experience as fulfilling.  Perhaps sharing's import.

Pick up two vintage style shades - hall installation above - for bath/hall lamps at Sal Army this am: $.95.  Double head nails/coax cable/king sheet set: matching kitchen curtains.  West window - flat sheet halved doubled.
Back door - bradded directly through coax cable, coax cable clamp hold self fabric tiebacks - pillow cases.
Kitchen sink window - elastic removed, fitted sheet halved doubled.
Kitchen globe holder snipped/bent/jammed over original ceramic light fixture - interesting.
Remove, install thrift sale lamp fixture/globe with red ReStore wire nuts.
Less painful/warmer.
Generally unwelcoming/unsightly torn front door screen begs remedy - strip off.
Rescue taken down back porch north door steel grate,
plier/hammer dog ear tabs
just fits wider screen door, fine relatively bug free area front outer door - when ya want air comin' in not people. 
View out kitchen sink (north) window through scuzzy oversprayed back porch windows - depressing,
out kitchen door
prompts remove/store in garage back porch windows renders more open feel/view.
Inviting even?
Some one must be digging in the garden 'cause it's getting done.  Earth stove burning uprooted dandelions rampant in yard - figure even desoiled, turned upside down might keep growing with our moisture.  Plant peas, lettuce, mustard in front porch plot.  Feeling germinating myself: lots of considering going on.  Activity time will come - just not now.  Damn proofreader - should be 'Pause'.   Peace       d


  1. "enjoyment of self inflicted mess, realize experience as fulfilling"

    Yep, very zen: the essence of all enlightened teachings, right here on Swett LodGe.

  2. Your "paws" need a "pause"! Those circular saws sure got a workout. And the beat goes on...

  3. is it not too early for outside planting regards frost there? still sitting on our hands here in nth CA.

  4. No doubt V - await shoots. Follow sister's questionable gardening advice. :)
