Monday, June 20, 2011

Roll With It

     Life's story?  Expect lake trip, get word Fern Ridge Reservoir jaunt Saturday last cost Spud a separated elbow tendon odd angle cranking boat onto trailer, surgery Thursday, six weeks no work, rehab - postpone Lakeside.
      Previously temporary 4x8x16 cement brick, double 4x4, double 2x pillar
replace lowest floor system spot triple post morass (photo right).
20 ton jack either side temporary post, level 16x16 poured in place, rough bottomed cement pad - always subtract earth never add.  Loose soil fill compacts, slab settles off level under load.  Center slab under beam joint; hammer claw, wonder bar dig slab close to level - muscle slab out of way, scrape soil, replace slab, check level as many times necessary (many) - wiggle slab into final position pulverize any loose fill, slab seemingly sucks into position indicating solid final level.
Double cement block stack centered under beam joint; double 4x4, 2x cap.   Finalized - floor system completely revamped - will have cement brick cap, double four foot 4x4s to distribute weight evenly, beef beam.  Already much better, few inches higher to go. 
To certain extent house acts as unit when jacked - can only go so high in one area; move to next, raise; next, down the line then start again to get necessary height.  Center beam may not raise to final height until house perimeter is raised - we'll see.  Raising center beam low spot couple inches lifted house off east side 4x12 entirely.  Previous 'repairers': no clue.

     On doc's advice Spud MRIs forearm, learns tendon still attached - no surgery necessary - recuperate week, back to work.  He'll accompany Kate to Lakeside - they'll retrieve half dozen cement blocks/Swett Lodge center beam pillars.  Answer Craigslist porch demolition freebie ad - rather get local used wood than drive 50 miles - get response; gear up to demo porch Thursday; receive 'Changed plans' call, spend day adjusting Gertie's valves, tighten head bolts, new valve cover gasket, tune, flush/bleed brakes.  Road ready (Saturday inspection reveals new front brake hoses advisable long road trip prior - 33 year old car!).   
     Back under Swett Lodge, pillar replace three posts.  Large post under beam joint (right) sits on 40 degree cocked slab - how that came to be we'll never know - smaller double 2x4 post sits on rotten wood.  Large left post sits on unlevel slab.
Raise beam either side joint, pull out posts, level slab centered under beam joint - sweat 'bout a cup getting it right - double cement block cement brick, temporary double 2x (old post) cap.  Forces all vertical here, leveled slab/pillar should stay long time, will have load distributing double treated 4 foot 4x4 cap finalized.
4x4 pry, then bodily yank poured in place pillar slab now not needed, hammer claw level crawl space floor - easier navigating no dirt humps, slab holes.
Struggle eight inch deep bowl shaped slab into place under center beam near back wall.  Pillar here will relieve foundation load, rectify rotten beam end at foundation situation.  Subtractive level slab 'til sucked into final level non rocking position.
20 ton jack beam either side pillar position; center cement block cement brick, double 2x capped pillar under beam; temporary support cast iron (lamp right - heavy!) rusted through vent stack which rests on beam - eventually as beam is raised will cut out under unflexible stack.  Started in on it, realize not necessary today.  Three of five pillars now in place.  No worry 'bout getting 'em level to each other quite yet - want level pillars in place then level/straighten center beam.  Swett Lodge is moving, forces changing may cause more sagging/rot compression: feel definitely time to be doing this work, now started best keep at it.
Center post (right) rests on large off level slab.  Need two more slabs: one here for center post, one couple feet inside front wall to support rotten ended beam, relieve foundation stress.  Center post slab too large to easily level, shy one slab decide
circle saw masonry blade respirator equipped score slab.  Quit for the day - let the air clear.  Next session will exhume slab, crack in two, place/level triangular slabs, build pillars: center beam on its way.  May be a few days: plan Cougar hot springs solstice.

     Garden growing well.  Replanted corn, beans, collard greens, beets, carrots up.  Getting dry: regular watering time.  May yet hear from porch demo folk or end up Lakeside retrieving Kate's used deck lumber - who knows?  Certainty: no dull moment.  Successfully getting into nitty gritty with Swett Lodge whets make it right appetite.  No doubt some find such intimate house knowledge/connection odd: my kind of fun!  Follow ongoing debacle here.  Peace.

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