Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Unmown, sweet little white flowers grace MLK Park rills: SwettLodge west view.

     Regular reader comments blog follow difficult - hope don't lose too many: understand chopped/article free language, quasi technical mumbo jumbo, lurching segments seem convoluted - folks eyes glaze over when conversation leans SwettLodge technical not surprised reader's brains cloud: take what you like, leave the rest.
     As promised house under.  Repair rain coat zipper to stay shut crawling down under; don rain pants, coat, gloves, knee pads; tie lamp/extension cord;
remove cookie cooler/crawlspace east opening grate; squeeze in.  Thyroid hormone replacement prescription (Synthroid) renewal doctor visit learn weigh less than ever in adult life - 160 lbs: ease under house slither, lower medication dose. 
Look toward back of house/bath (plumbing by wall) shows bath renovation/floor shoring/old wiring detritus: 
crawl, cleanse east side, throw all toward entry, push all through, huge trash/rotten wood pile.  Yellow gaping spherish thing atop pile upper left center only cat skull - other bones showed - skin still attached, found.  Separate/bag trash - kitty, broken glass, multiple Bic shavers, ancient linoleum squares, bunch stashed black waiter aprons; circle saw/front porch haul firewood/rot; garage scrap metal - curtain rods, wire, range/water heater flex conduit, conduit, galvanized water pipe, rusted needle nose pliers
add couple found useful tools: pipe wrench, tire pry bar.  West side trash/wood/rot pile 'bout half east side.  Locate one active termite nest fire hasten, nits 'pop' like corn - will treat under house post construction.
In east crawl space entry, look back/up at joists: about nine inches deep initially, trimmed to eight inches during construction at bearing points (center beam, perimeter cement foundation), rotted/compressed to about five inches.
Every joist rotten about foot from end - wherever wood touches cement.  Perimeter joist (atop cement foundation perpendicular to joist ends) rotten, 2x4 crawl space entry 'trim' now supports rotting joist.  All not good.
Toward house front along east wall best SwettLodge repair work seen: 4x12 beam/4x4 treated posts/cement pads keep east side middle/front bedroom floors from sagging beyond where they've rotted/compressed to: of course no raise house to original height attempt.
House south front east side main galvanized water line dangling precariously off main center beam supports: quickly cement block support.
Front room 3" floor sag cause: rotting, shoddily repaired 6x6 main beam supports. 
Debris clear, bath plumbing at back of house easy to see: cast iron soil stack looks original, some plumbing renewed for tub, water heater. 
Water heater flex conduit coiled/removed/scrapped back east house corner completes crawl space east side look see: plenty rot mostly joist ends, perimeter joist; few joists require replacement.
Beautiful, fragile, emerald lichen subsisting in minimal west side under house light.
West side crawl space toward house front, west entry at right, post below kitchen range hiding post below wood stove lamp right, another 4x12 support beam along wall toward house front.
Closer look (wood stove supporting post left).  Same deal here: no raise house attempt just keep from going further down.
Toward front, center beam - looks worse from this angle: better do something about it!
Glance at west side back wall under kitchen confirms foundation reasonably useable condition; joist ends, perimeter joist need replacing.  That's it for crawl space west side.
     Discover quarter size toilet sewer pipe rust hole, black plastic bag tourniquet temporarily staunch leak.  Main beam/beam support rotten at wall/foundation pocket clear here: helps cause 2" floor drop.
Best slowly start raising floor, begin at lowest point about eight feet from house front: lay 2 4x4s down, steel electrical box stress dissipater cap jack, raise/press against hardwood plywood, beam. 
Second 20 ton jack raise beam other side of joint, level cement pad, install more sound still temporary support.  Will cement block, treated wood finalize when at proper height.  Need to: procure cement block, cement pad; 2x4 block between joists over center beam, halfway to walls both sides to keep joists vertical under raising forces; raise/resupport center beam to original height.
     Four plus mile Gateway Mall hike; enjoy 'Hanna' - Kate Blanchett/team show smart nonexplicitly violent, beautifully crafted films still to be made; Sizzler sup; dusk walk home.

     Respond 1978 Toyota Corolla Deluxe station wagon Craigslist ad morning after post; surprise: get call.  Hitch ride to Creswell - five, six miles south of Eugene - with Spud on his way to work, check out car, buy for buck fifty less than a grand: have to return with cash.  Beautiful warm Oregon countryside homeward trek on I5 parallel road to Lane Community College, meet Kate just finishing work, bus downtown, walk home.
     Fortunately not vindictive - my first thought - neighbor Doc relates driver talking on cell phone T-bones another ends up SwettLodge front yard, other plows field of beans,
peppers, okra - car day I guess.  Beans'll come back; peppers, okra, corn car/bug decimated will collard green, radish replant.  Karmic corner!

     Gather cash, call car seller let him know 2p Saturday will pick up, him: 'OK'.  Walk mile plus Eugene bus station, Creswell ride, get to his place: no car, none home, no phone response.  Wait.  He calls: Eugene shopping with wife.  Wait.  Wait.  Hour, half later son shows, exchange money, title; go to street parked car - always a story with old cars - now proud 1978 Toyota Corolla Deluxe wagon owner!
Seller, year in OR from MN, gets kick out of buying old cars - can't find 'em in mid west all rusted away - bought car to resell from owner of a year relocating to Costa Rica.
Think prior was one owner meticulously maintained vehicle.  No 100k digit odometer shows 84k - car could have 84k, 184k, 284k miles or more: unknown.
All lights work, doors/wiindows work.  Remove few stickers, clean up a bit, tighten couple arm rests, reconfigure various hoses etc. to original under hood: ready to rock!
Back slumber capacious, carpet!
Toyota simplicity/reliability.  Car feels lots of life left - maybe only 84k.  You can be sure will be visiting a town near you with this baby.  South America anyone???
Nearly new distributor cap, rotor, spark plug wires, radiator/heater hoses,
water pump (fan belt left), fuel pump/filter, battery/clamps/cables.  Think original owner hearing newer cars have timing belt replaced around 70k thought 'Should have it done on the old Corolla' even though '78 has rarely need replace timing chain.  Conjecture but timing chain cover surely removed/cleansed/replaced.  Oil down quart, water down half gallon at first: previous owner clearly ignored vitals over year's ownership.  Will replace oozing valve cover gasket; check valve lash, head bolt torque; change oil; check transmission/differential fluid; flush/replace brake/clutch fluid: good to go for years.  SwettLodge Deluxe limo - lucky man!     
   Truck returned from extended clan move expedition, next: part out/haul home bridge sections to use for blocking between joists, stud walls for raising roof when floor raises - in depth explanation/pictures as we go.  Keep tuned!   Enjoy.

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