Monday, March 12, 2012

Fun House

     Here at Swett Lodge creative, innovative problem solvers: refresh, enlarge term 'porta potty' Siri Chand Kuar visit prep.  Salvage Kate attempt institutionalize backyard chem visitor toilet - apparently offspring laugh off - wheelbarrow home, thorough clean, garage install.
On the day, daughter's Raynaud's - "vasospastic disorder causing discoloration of fingers, toes" - kept her near well stoked Earth stove as much as possible.  Can't blame her: fingers become icy white once during visit - looks painful enough.  Lucky one such afflicted ventures north this time of year at all.  Swett Lodge proprietor sleep garage apartment, daughter main lodge.  Totally support her New Mexico ambition post Massachusett's General Hospital nurse practitioner training: May finish.  
     Aside burn tons firewood, Earth stove door off, enjoy clan Tia greet/burrito bar Swett Lodge get together; father/daughter fireside chats; take in totally inappropriate father/daughter - for anyone for that matter - theater fare: Project X.  Way misogynistic first act nearly drives from theater; agree at pix end pyrotechnics, absurdity live up to movie going experience.  Both suspend morals adequately, enjoy: fun together - nice.   
     Siri Chand Kuar - Tia's taken Sikh name - has vowed to live Sikh.  Their morals seem little different from Christian, outer affectations - turban in public, uncut hair - limn god's primary importance.  Meditative chants, vegetarian diet, exercise important Sikh disciplines.  Nice to learn 'tween daily practices, grueling study schedule she continues enjoy TV fantasy entertainment: something we share. 
    Short but sweet thirty six (who's counting???) hour first Swett Lodge house guest visit ends too soon early Wednesday morn: nice spring day, decide install Metalbest insulated metal chimney.  Atop Swett Lodge ridge, poke through two - not one as earlier reported: missed thin mid century forest green shingles - layers composition shingles, layer cedar shakes into new chimney roof framing.  
Balance five gallon tool bucket next chimney, collect shingle, wood scraps: look around 
reveals not in Kansas anymore.
     Roof's not too steep, easy climb, straddle ridge while working.  Eight inch insulated pipe outer diameter requires two inches clearance all round from flammable materials: framing hole twelve inches wide, long enough allow ample clearance on slope.  Utility knife score, remove shingles, shakes where chimney roof support metal flanges sit on roof slats.  Carefully check level throughout process - nothing more unsightly than crooked chimney - position chimney once.  Retrieve flashing from atop chimney 'workbench', fit; cut away more shingles/shakes at support flange, move chimney slightly further from peak so can bend flashing over peak, provide excellent weather resistance.  Roof slightly steeper pitch than flashing design, tin snip couple small triangle vents down hill side top of flashing at pipe, allow steeper flashing pitch.
Slick installation of slick product makes relatively easy work.  Eighteen inch chimney section hung from roof, screw three foot section atop, lock with band, install flashing, storm collar, cap. 
     Inside, chain saw ceiling hole - wide decorative black ceiling band covers lots of slop -
screw three more three foot sections below roof, lock with screwed bands.  Two screw install black ceiling decorative band.  (Who's that all squished up, camera in hand?)
Stuff inflammable fiberglass insulation round chimney at ceiling: fireproof installation.
     Remove stove pipe from old chimney, measure carefully: well placed pipe cuts now leave ample straight pipe for final stove installation directly below chimney.  Meanwhile, reshape somewhat used six inch stove pipe elbows requires getting up close and personal with 'em: one arm hug to chest, other manipulate joints.  Cut damper section at previous holes - happen to be just right length - drill new holes, reinstall cast damper with fire softened steel pin.  Patient fitting, move stove bit results: functional, attractive 'in between' installation.  
     Swett Lodge sports double functional chimneys a moment.  Broad leaf weed purge back yard from porch/garage to old tree site; brick pile ready.
     Friday breaks clear, gentle: old masonry comes down.  Sand all remains 95 year old mortar, bricks nudge apart.  Two bricks at a time walk ridge toward Swett Lodge back throw bricks wood pile adjacent 'til can't reach further down into attic.  Get personal, climb into attic through hole, stand on chimney, stack one brick at a time atop ridge.  Full load, climb back on roof, throw pile to ground, back into attic, stack brick to stand on, then stack on ridge one by one.  Partial load gets away slides down west roof, 'lumberyard' retrieve sixteen foot quarter round, persuade errant bricks over roof edge, gather from garden, pile.  Move ladder inside house, carry couple six foot 2x4s, few short 1x into attic nail together small ladder; take remainder bricks to attic floor up through roof hole, stack on ridge, climb to roof, throw brick to ground.
     Hand dredge old flue, back alley haul couple five gallon buckets masonry debris, wet/mud spot spread.  Remainder bricks remove through kitchen.  Figure twelve plus feet old chimney, six bricks per course, four courses per foot - roughly 25 brick per foot - remove about three hundred brick at about five pounds a piece from Swett Lodge.  Without ton preload on few kitchen joists floor feels more solid: sweet.  Plug ceiling hole couple pieces well fit foil back one inch styrofoam,
nail inexpensive color correct small linoleum pieces over chimney roof hole; silicone caulk nail heads, storm collar: install operational.  Scrape, sweep, vacuum clean house; thorough wash nasal cavities, face, skin: minimize system dust load, keep running smooth.
     Generally not huge metal chimney aesthetics fan, feel it's a good Swett Lodge look, certainly better than ancient crumbling masonry.
     Besides rooftop work thrills, spills; remember salvage Gertie rear view convex mirror lounge kitchen shelf, 
capture Swett Lodge fun house views, computer proper orientation flip.  Stove piped to old chimney, metal chimney installed.
East side.  Radio surmounts temporary insulation/sheet rock work table.  Enjoy claw foot view: sold, out the door, $250.
     Couple contact Tia visit prior, want tub, arrange post visit pick up.  Corpulent ailing gal, hubby show in huge white diesel pickup, struggle tub cross front porch into open tail gate truck bed, preponderance work my end.  No foolin'.  Done, guy says 'broke my ankle', pull up pants, reveal softball size ankle, 'guess should see doctor'.  Geez.  People sure are interesting: want period appropriate tub for rental.  Do renters really want claw foot tub experience?  Not here.  Course, might be a good spot to soak that blimp on your leg ....
     So go Swett Lodge days, nights.  East side carport double flood lamp illuminate.  New chimney better draw, go through wood bit quicker, but easier to light, immeasurably safer: very good thing.
     This AM awake to gusty March winds, 'bout to tackle day, 'clunk' alerts batten blown off garage roof, wood grain ex front room linoleum 'roof' flops in gale.  Organize new battens, tarp, nails slippery lino roof monkey like ladder climb, arrange, batten down tarp, tar where necessary: work out replacer.  Hope prophylactic measure buys time: least year 'til garage reroof ready.
     Broad leaf hunt/purge remainder back yard 'bout all remains, Swett Lodge west side rot repair prior.  Not hugely knee grinding, under house work anxious; certainly won't mind work being done though.  Hold extensive month long, May, east coast tour, visit family/friends, attend daughter Boston graduation, brother St. Paul wedding, carrot front of nose.
     Experience roller coaster here!

1 comment:

  1. after witnessing even through the portal of your pics this ongoing effort to make yourself a place, ive decided on a concrete block, er , eh... house...
    no not in CA can i ever think of getting one because of my EQ neurosis, but in the sth east yeah.. i will sleep in the center of the biggest room just in case they DO have that rare shaker... dont care how i live just that i can live to do whats been said bout Stevie R Vaughn by his drummer.., live to play with intensity , "like a dog on a bone.." so,
    slab shack here i come!!!
