Grass fills in nicely after front yard broad leaf weed purge, rain. New exposed framing soaks driving rain - dampens insulation - on hand metal flashing remnant cover most susceptible area, spurs final treatment consideration.
Metal chimney purchase didn't include essential roof support metal angle brackets, burn energy visit local hardware stores, raw - Coyote Steel - steel merchant consider fabricate replacements: find between steel cost, work, not effort wise; ultimately purchase factory equipment along with stainless chimney flashing, storm collar. Plier straighten one mangled locking band (atop pipe), pipe purchase included: metal chimney hardware installation ready.
ReStore find, install exterior duplex outlet cover on new east side outlet (yeah, it'll need a little putty),
double flood lamp fixture, bulbs east side: rush to press demands another post will display awesome turn east side 'lumberyard' night into day capability.
Nasty weather - it's OR: cold, rain - prompts close up east side, retrieve salvage six pane back porch window, drag inside, scrub clean, weather protect east front window.
Oil leaking, progressively less functional back door closer gets on hand not quite right replacement.
Cylinder mount incorrect: ten gauge copper wire plier twist, bend appropriate connector.
Prefer new closer: has metal door stop - plier adjust proper functionality. Back door don't hit ya in the ass on the way out any more.
Except few MLK park branch collects, front porch donates final 2012 spring heat season wood: backyard garage adjacent next stash. Porch post floor restructure rework available.
All needs done, all takes time, allows consider chimney events course. CsList locate small - 'bout half size - cheap solid wood top - Amigo - guitar. Squander couple afternoons shave bridge, reset action; super light strings experiment, find with standard acoustic light strings this little laptop baby has full dread naught sound: new acoustic squeeze.
Saturday chimney reframe clear. Ancient chimney weeps acid smoke caused calcification indicating continued extensive mortar leaching: mortar nearly all gone above roof line, chimney literally brick stack, high time rectify. Apparently originally roof built then chimney hole cut: rafters chimney butt - but rely not - west side
and east side.
Old masonry chimney tear down prior strengthen: chain saw square rafter end next chimney, jack raise, toe nail into 2x4 cross brace nailed between next full length rafters. West side.
East side. Not best, definitely better.
New metal chimney goes rafter space over from old chimney: stove stays nearly - ultimately slightly closer Swett Lodge center - where presently, chimney stack directly above. Old chimney goes bye bye: perhaps walkway along garage to car park repurpose.
For strength desire install new chimney framing as unit; requires assemble, hoist into place, check fit, take apart, carry 2x4s down ladder to 'lumberyard', circle saw adjust, carry back up ladder into attic, reassemble, refit. Fortunately only repeat process twice for this setup - over head extra difficult - once in adds incredible area destined carry entire metal chimney weight strength. Chain saw through roof slats, shakes leave water proof asphalt roof to cut out on installation day. Amazed: find in 95 year history Swett Lodge has had only two roofs - original shakes, layer asphalt shingles - still doesn't leak (knock on wood!). Technically could install third roof over what's there without tear off - doubt it, but we'll see. Metal chimney installation prepped.
Sunday traditional excellent exterior project day, avoid possible stray building inspector visit; chimney install ready; fast, no exercise routine clears time block; day breaks chill, gray; chimney install indecisive: impending daughter visit doesn't require large mess, sure would like to get that chimney in, 95 year old chimney will probably function adequately few more days, blog squeezed out 'tween visit/chimney, gotta get myself cleaned up - house too. Finally decide allow do its work - maintain perspective, keep throttle on huge completion urge, among other things - in time nick: clouds burn off on library/write walk, turns beautiful warm early spring OR day - excellent roof work day. Too bad: gonna finish up here, go get shower at Kate's, enjoy beautiful afternoon, get victuals under way for Monday eve Siri Chand Kuar greet.
Life's good.
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