Monday, April 16, 2012

     Front west corner, look over vast flat expanse Swett Lodge crawl space, spy blue boom box east side crawl space entry adjacent.  Beside encounter less mud, navigate under house somewhat easier level field: same creep (me?) works through out; no adjust energy spent.  Past feline (?) Swett Lodge crawl space denizens favor front west corner dump ground; soil cover; end couple slugs: coveralls, dust laden breeze over foundation render manageable.
     Galvanized steel water supply line runs east front corner to center beam, reduces maneuver space; new west beam ditto near west foundation wall.  Once deep 2x12 joist goes in: good luck gettin' round!
     Remove west siding 'trap door', slide fourteen foot 4x6 jack beam under floor; atop stacked 4x4 piers, circle saw blades protect wood beam, jack 4x6.  Chain saw dice rotten first joist; lay back, judo kick loose.  End cut protruding nails; chain saw sever rotten floor boards at new joist location, wonder bar/hammer splinter/remove, cut more nails.  Brilliantly realize 2x12 replacement joist which will carry front wall stub joists, won't require additional strengthening if left whole at beam crossings.  Pier directly below 2x12 allows notch west beam end, bear joist.
     Temporarily lower water line from strap hanger; chain saw edit main beam: rot ends so main beam continues support east side first front plywood scarf joist, cut main beam joist flush; toenailed stub joists to foundation right. 
East side joist, flush beam end nail replacement; circle saw notch, nail alongside center beam couple short 2x6s, assist bear 2x12 (water line back).
Sift through garage plywood stash; puzzle piece 3/4, 1/4 ply replace one inch rotten sub floor boards - make sure joints aren't contiguous.  Plywood pieces agreeable, slip in place below finish floor.  Entire west front wall carried by remaining original sub floor resting on still solid original six foot perimeter joist section; 4x6x14/jack with carefully placed six inch blocks atop, raise sub floor; topside front porch solid perimeter joist wonder bar splinter; back under, remove; circle saw cut 2x6 stub joists, sneak 'em 'tween blocks, toenail.
     And there, dear reader, picture trail dies.  Under Swett Lodge work hell.  Amass tools/materials/lamp; strap elbow/knee pads over coveralls; stuff everything through crawl space entry; follow; push/shove/drag all far front corner house; crank up smoke billowing, ocean liner size eyeball chip spewing chain saw, dice this or that; then dust tornado circle saw size - bare eyeball spewing blade close in dark for good cut - stub joist; pretzel contort round water line/pier; pad elastic traps debris, grind elbows raw; hold this with that hand, that with this foot, push, pull, tap, tap; spent, roll over rearrange entire bod position, another couple other hand taps; four toe nails both ends dozen or so front stub joists; uh oh gotta go top side nail something, leak; barely unentangle; repeat - 'easy', frustration's edge mantra - interminably.  Not sure why my lot endure such agonies - suffer lately? - clear photography for you all not number one priority snake ball, impossibly limited space toe nail, head banging crawl space enmeshed.  Wanna see all Swett Lodge front wall stub joists perimeter joist toe nailed await only treated sill plate finalization? - have to come on down, crawl on under, take a look.  May take future photo time down under, certainly make no special press trip.
    Aware heavy lifting gets done here, ferret old/new Swett Lodge photos: spot differences?
   Raring eliminate Swett Lodge rot May travels prior, focus.  Contemplate forgo blog; no: bod's gotta rest.  Put in good six hour Saturday: derot, restructure gobbles time.  
Fast Sunday, exercise hiatus, plan full work day, start about nine thirty.  AM hours sort, neaten depleting 'lumberyard'; 
toward eleven, circle saw rip number short 2x12s into stub joist 2x6s, puzzle piece remaining sub floor plywood on front porch, avoid annoy neighbors.  
Slip plywood sub floor pieces in from outside; back under cut stubs, jack raise, pry, toe nail.
     Like eight year old kid, load debris on largest chunk, push 'shipload' ahead out crawl space.  No food breaks, take few minutes imbibe - no, not alcohol (cough, cough, 420) - with friends.  Probably shouldn't have sharp/abrasive tear duct effluence; massage sinuses/ducts; wash. 
Friend suggests respirator: can barely squeeze head into some spots - it'd just be too much.
     Then back under.  West side new beam install with impression beam would be temporary.  
Examination in passing reveals some dry rot couple 2x6s from Kate's lake place,
so once treated sill installed front wall; expect rework beam, piers, finalization prepare; then rot scourge on down west wall.
Duke it out with front wall stub joists, finally get all positioned/nailed, finish up 'bout 8.30 PM - full day!  Few hours later begin see again once eyes clear themselves.  Couple well deserved beers .....
     Kate good enough return from further lake house storm damage control weekend with additional fern clump to join happy brethren between garage/neighbor's
     So this came to pass, and it was good.
     Pleasantly aware time will assuage grueling aspects Swett Lodge rebuild; leave lingering comfy home, accomplishment sense warm glow.  Won't complain then!
     Be well.

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