As here writ 2012 enters lame like, settles reasonable, sense of inevitability pervades: finally, appropriately begin excise Swett Lodge rot with New Year. Wouldn't hurt if 2012 goes out lion like: be nice Swett Lodge rot free, insulated 'gainst winter. Friend nee 12/21 expects 'interesting, transitional times coming up'. We'll see.
Weather stations predict first major snow storm, comes to pass: 'bout enough snow for a cone covers Swett Lodge roof.
In all fairness: later in the day, comes down pretty good, actually sticks for a minute one morning.
Realize chain saw crank shaft case halves probably require gasket rather than gas soluble silicone gasket maker materials used, monkey another day. Tour three local saw stores, final one has some Poulan parts, not required gasket. With small purchase, donate gasket material from their unused stock. Home again, disassemble saw, carefully cut/fit gasket, reassemble: runs fine, oil tank still leaks into crank case. Monkey done: wheel bearing grease load saw bar groove; put bar/chain on saw, adjust carburetor - use as is. Admit couple hours over couple days saw monkey, procrastinate less than tidy under Swett Lodge demo work: guess laborers need a break now and then.
Saw ready to go; overall, knee pad, stocking cap, elbow pad, work gloves, rain jacket ensconce; Swett Lodge crawl under, begin dice rot from joists, leading to next photo series which is likely to swoon any hardened videophile: excise seven (of fifteen or so east side) rotten joist ends, individually reconstruct each. Start toward Swett Lodge back, leave previous repair rework under tub for later, begin next joist south. Saw scout rot find able leave top six inches just beyond new beam,
appropriate height above beam circle saw notch salvage 2x12 (center beam evident), mate;trim to five & one half inches (milled 2x6 actual measurement) where stub crosses foundation.
Next joist rotten foot short of new beam, trim;
2x6 mate.
Second joist repaired (eave beam support post left).
Third up; good, just beam shy:
2x10 pair.
2x6 shape at foundation cross.
Next joist good to beam, trim.
Because it's at crawl space entrance will stub later maintain easier access. Remove original 2x6 crawl space entry limn, uncover bug larvae cache: Earth stove hasten.
Similar rot profile allows similar stub treatment. Initially plan: bolt stubs/joists. Five or six double headed sixteen penny nails sunk 'til second head disappear below wood surface, prove plenty strong: couldn't remove board fastened like that without splinter reduce.
Notch salvage 2x12 mate,2x6 over foundation reduce end. Typically when stub crosses beam (original joist rotten beyond beam), place 4x4 between joists under sub floor boards, jack raise, support, allow installation clearance.
Trim next joist to beam,
2x8 mate
2x6 shape at foundation cross.
Finally first of only few full length rotten joists. 10 plus foot 2x12 shaped to fit center beam (main steel water line),
new east side beam;
sound west side joist mate,
leave over hanging new beam future stub ready. 2x10 replacement joist would suffice, reasonably acquired Swett Lodge 'lumberyard' 2x12s only better.
In process note rot pockets - not 'hot pockets' - require surgery. Joists removed easiest rotten sub floor removal, saw two sub floor boards back to sound wood above crawl space entry way (underside finish flooring appears).
Third front room sub floor board rotten, remove along with finish floor.
Some rot fourth (next, under temporary wall) sub floor board near wall, just temporary wall right (above) require work as rework joists. Rot extent could be worse, getting to its end this side. Believe west side not as 'infected': currently getting some of the worst of this job behind. True to Chinese astrological sign - horse - put head down, get it done. Itch.
Encouraging omens: phalanx volunteer workers clean up MLK park for his holiday;
Succumb Neck Squash, Carmen Candelabra give Swett Lodge New Year nod.
As exciting as 'tis, know it's tough to end this week's post. Don't forget: that's MY life! You may sympathize with 'git 'er done' sentiment: that's what keeps me doggin' (horsin'?) it. Fortunately improvement immediately noticeable, good wood replaces rot incrementally, balance tips; finally good, sound wood - good's new - all that remains.
Trust year swell for all. Certainly could be called to consider in new light, excise rot: rest assured pearl exists.
Enjoy Peace
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