Monday, December 19, 2011


     Of course anything done round here, done by yours truly.  Lodge front circa November 2010.  Look closely: large healthy bower rising Swett Lodge rear left
absent last week's frontal view.  Perhaps one reason healthy living tree photos didn't appear with 'Felling' post:
beneficially pruned, obvious charm.  And last year's fall show,
never again revisit.
Sentimental 'bout the old tree, kind a sorry had to go, will certainly miss time to time.  Happy constant issue resolved.  Farewell.

      Seven yard city delivered free leaf load arrives: driver says 'can put 'em any where' and does without breaking plastic irrigation pipes. 
Number hours square tip shovel scatter load after load garden wide: few kale, collards poke through leafy winter coat.  Ash batch magnet remove copious quantities lath brads/nails, garden spread.

     Prepare tackle east side reconstruction; look over gate see neatened 'lumberyard' area.  White painted plywood bundled lath leaning against, stays: work under.
Look along wall toward house front under plywood, rot bulge evident above foundation.
Toward Swett Lodge back, under plywood, lowest siding piece already 'fell' off;
 all the way to back corner - bath area - rot very evident.
Begin here, in back, remove couple first courses siding - easy where rotted, like pulling teeth where solid - rotten perimeter joist pulls away by hand.  Reveal repair work previously perpetrated on Swett Lodge bath area at back corner that will be reworked; very rotten joist ends.
Remove siding/rotted perimeter joist, clear to front, circle saw dice into firewood.  Front porch haul wood,
rotten wood debris fill couple Earth stove bound paper shopping bags.  Debris free, ready to be rot freed, joist ends over foundation, under sub floor/bottom wall plate Swett Lodge east side front.  Good news: except for few vertical 2x4s under middle window, 2x4 bottom wall plate middle to back, few pieces subfloor; rot mostly in perimeter/floor joists.  Remainder front room lath wood pile evident between studs front corner.
Pivot right, look directly at couple dirty rotten joist ends (one inch sub floor clear below 2x4 bottom wall plate);
click right, more rotten joist ends, plywood and beyond!
Closer look reveals: yep, sure are rotten - oh, and new beam pier next jack.
Beyond plywood more rotten joist ends above crawl space entry - apparently cats 'n 'coons welcome throughout Swett Lodge these days.
Quick look affirms there is indeed something besides thin air holding this place up - shor 'nuff, beam put there by my cute little self.
More bad joist endage toward back,
and finally closer look at bath/back corner rework.  Bottom 2x4 wall plate is two inches low here - lowest on this side.
Foundation probably poured sans wire reinforcement - about six inches thick - will be fine with house weight sitting squarely atop, despite minor age imperfections.
As one can imagine, bottom siding courses removed allows adequate floor level ventilation throughout uninhabited Swett Lodge east section - sponge baths remain brisk!
     Wednesday Gateway Mall hike, couple buck and a quarter films relax, eat satisfying meal cooked by some one else.  Great blue portrait stands.
     Make no mistake: Swett Lodge current creative - art - project.  
     All along imagine size match joist ends/perimeter joist (seven inches) when reworking, raise house additional 1.5 inch, allow treated 2x6 sill plate (measures 1.5x5.5 inches).  Reconstruction fun: mumble jumble ideas/figures/forces/materials/plans fill head - see what falls out.  Aha!  New beams in place/staying few feet from bearing east/west walls; can marry 2x6 ('stead of original joist size) to original joists, bridge few foot new beam/original poured wall gap, leave enough 2x6 sill plate room without raising house above original height.  Sweet.  Less work; less material expense; elegant, more original approach: somehow feel closer to end of tunnel light.  Swett lodge will have to be raised considerably in spots - like bath corner - but is already essentially where it needs to be.
     East side work dangles lower back siding courses;
remove, yank out rotted perimeter joist, reveal previous partial bath floor rework.
Hollywood - dirty, quickly, make it look good - piece of siding in to cover damages 'til further action.  

'Tis the season to be jolly.  Successful, fruitful Swett Lodge year, intend enjoy the season as hope you and yours have opportunity to this year.  Swett Lodge work may be curtailed but not arrested especially with exciting direct approach at hand - progress appears here.  
Wonderful holidays!
May your stocking be rife with blessing - know mine is!

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