Monday, September 24, 2012


     Crackle .....  snap  ....  static ..... !!!!!!

     Gargantuan under Swett Lodge recovery effort, emotion full visit east complete; Oregon's sanity, nourishing Swett Lodge peace return.  Effort, experience deplete; desire quiet, effortless, recuperative summer.  Almost garden refrain,
blessedly renege, plant garden late June: solar activity; burgeoning, abundant late garden; seemingly endless - only two vaguely rainy days since solstice - summer; all things squash entrance.
     Early Girl tomatoes, jalapeno peppers grace under house, final floor level detritus; interior gut lath laden front porch.
Carrot, cilantro, parsnip, volunteer pickle, red kale, Russian red kale, green bean, volunteer squash merrily front garden space, light, water compete;
while second crop turnips, beets, young kohlrabi fend off voracious squash garden rear.
Many pleasant hours sift by, back porch shade passing neighborhood review.
     Swett Lodge renovation work continues, unexpectedly apace.  July gut remaining west side 
plaster/lath interior, deal cat stench death knell.  Reluctantly man up, complete rot removal Swett
Lodge underpinnings.  Final floor level requires east side wedge/shim bathroom to front east corner
zero to 1.5 inches, under front east window to corner zero to 1.5 inches.  Result: much more snug, flat, stately Swett Lodge feel.  Under house work complete; remove interior central wall, beam replace.  Wire, insulate, sheetrock round to kitchen corner; rework three extra interior doors into armoire/broom closet, making ready for waste (main drain replaced last weekend)/supply plumbing, final kitchen wire, complete sheetrock round - including bath - house, install fixtures, etc.  
     Continue recuperative, more copacetic round Swett Lodge all the time, currently experience artist's 'appropriate reveal' sensitivity vis a vis Lodge interior - photos await winter solstice as does blog. 
     Peace.  Be well.  Enjoy.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cold Turkey's Big Ideas

     Blog nature suits.  Earned living, pension due film industry's intellectual property laws; continues rankle fundamental sensibility: share.  Fully understand/sorry decipher, like three blind folk/elephant: some get this, others that; nary soul, all.  This scribe, current trend - no literate left behind - panders not.  Swett Lodge experience: want something, life truly worthwhile; gotta work ass off for it.
     Microcosm NYC's Central Park, Swett Lodge's Martin Luther King Park center nine square blocks 'tween busy arteries/semi-industrial area; everyone lives on park - then some - neighbor.  Exclusive!  Course, all desire stop/chat, walking the dog - miracle anything gets done!
     Journey leisure fosters ruminative, imaginative speculation: Swett Lodgic gone wild!  No concern
which envelope; want flexible: push.  Reason 'nuff travel>reason 'nuff substance consumption hiatus: yup, month's span (mostly) no alcohol/smoke.  NYC shopper's, diner's, businessman's paradise; cool clear, sweet Adirondack water flows every park corner fountain: give me world class people watch.  Manhattan - once 'Big Gritty', could now term 'The One Per Cent Solution', maybe 'Yuppie Zoo' - scoured clean enough barefoot navigate Central Park, even once bombed out Harlem - locale daughter's apartment.
     Initially perplexed, finally figure: yeah, bright lights, huge bustle, millions yellow - even cops
sweet! - cabs; not once entire visit anyone rude, short/ill tempered, mean - city's soul's gone missing!
     (Dusk's neon shards descend dark on Times Square.)
What's up with that? (rhetorical) ... ka-ching.  Current masses opiate, affluence; god, oil.

     Fine visit both amazing daughters; reminds old Sesame Street song, 'one these things just like the others...': pod peas us three, down to kvetching foibles.  Oy vey!  Amazing our aspects offspring manifest: second daughter Khalsa (pure) Sikh - India's religion (~ 1500 CE) born expound equality - devout; while elder - wealthy's chef - my proclivity commoner identify, general block headedness
frustrates, opts estrangement after couple days.  May international travel, graduation, wedding month; last minute hotel rooms scarce - especially inexpensive hostels - prompts homeless simulation (cook's tour?).
     Cake piece: almost no - meet one verified homeless; await phone charge only known park electric outlet, cord timed Harlem street lamp jury wired; twenty year falsely imprisoned in/out
hospitals/shelters, clean godly man concurs change time upon us - competition, astonishing - gotta be outside! - weather.
     Daytime relate north center park's well groomed ball field, dog walkers encircled; thousands - race one day - blazing, fit - never seen so many dedicate hard bodies, even LA - cyclists, runners outer
ring encircle, clean water multi-facility rec center midst hundreds squashers, hand/base ballers; nap, wash, exercise, villain chillin'.  Night; rest, crawl, jam, repeat 'til dawn.  Dine al fresco Harlem's inexpensive (79 cent/pound collards) grocery - Fine Fare - fare.
     Course never's perfect (god's imprimatur): chew granola, break third of four lobes off rear most upper - fortunate childhood dentist excellent practitioner, amalgam core holds, protects nerve, emergency care unnecessary though crown time looms - molar; bust well abused spectacles, almost derail NYC - as lost contact lenses derailed 38 year past OR trek - sojourn; decide not driving, probably Swett craft repair; carry on.
     Harlem Meer waterside magic jam, slack (banjo - lower pitch than standard tuning, same chords as
USA's only native instrument {'jo} nod) tuned - travel tunes - mandolin, like O'Keefe painting
negative, snow white egret sails by; bring little blues Harlem home, appreciative mother/infant hour or so attent.  East coast journey - clear, hot day - Newark airport depart en route Boston>Chicago Jet Blue connection, fly directly over Central Park, LadyChef's apartment, rec center's ball fields stand out: emotional goodbye.

     Miss highly volatile/changeable times surround us?  Must be dead!  Scientists postulate black hole center galaxy; many concurrent universes, variable distinct physical laws.  'Tis said, human brain may not register black hole passage.  Approach fourth twenty six thousand year (100K years!)
Mayan long count calendar node.  Already establish some huge event spur stone age cultures consistent focus thousands years efforts - while current 'advanced' culture barely able consistent one day, next - mark.  Discipline familiar?
     Remembered - black/worm (string) hole slip? - node, flood; previous fire, cyclonic - cardinal sign - upheavals?  Perhaps initial black/worm hole passage, carried through time - Big Bang? - blender.  Long count node ahead, maybe slip through spirit/black hole blender to unacquainted physical law
governed universe.  Mix master like, some chunks make it, some don't.
     Or one further: each bunch similar mores relegate new 'universe'; opportunity duke it out, their own turf - such event would fulfill logical resource conservation, growing physics understanding.  Good fun imagine every one per center, for instance - a la 'Canticle For Lebowitz', 'Perelandra' - transported discrete world their ethics governed, manage brave new world.  Let games begin!
     Alternatively some think (resonates visceral) change may involve tectonic plate/pole shift, possible result: large portions east seaboard, west coast, Mississippi river valley inundation.  Answers question why 80% earth's life oceanic: intelligent species understand periodic upheavals affect not, certainly behoove land life attent periodic - long count calendar - shifts.  Heart hints else, hope enscription adequate dissipate manifestation energy, tribulations pass not; mien mayn't represent: DO love folk, all natures!
     Dad's cancer passing in my fifth earth year, spiritual journey initiates.  Besides engender organization - if church's God allows beloved pa's death, what good is it? - distrust; jaundice normal teenage fooferall.  Ten plus years later personal unsuccessful worldly success decisions; young family responsible; sense spirit, home realm; commit follow call; study fine art.  Accidental pilgrim, spirit guides four corners power region.  Slip/slide worldly; LA, desert/'Course In Miracles' revivify
precocious quest.  Since, travels unpreconceived spirit pilgrimages pull: hugely uncommon thunder deluge conjunct empathetic tears sorrow, thousands lives spent construct Rome's Vatican; Chiang Mai
- Thai's principle spiritual destination - blind first choice out country tour from Bangkok; dawn, ancestral
host revelation Olympic peninsula's Hurricane Ridge.  Recent Central Park 'tour' evenings relate - street found broken umbrella/parts refurbish 'rain shelter' - tony 69th Street/Central Park West neighborhood; NYC final night learn Dakota - locale John Lennon, preceding generation's potent guide, endured/enjoyed last years forty (!) year manifestation - few blocks away; smallest park entrance, street/madding park crowds obscure, surely JL haunt: understand six day vigil's Lennon
tribute/homage/elegy.  Many ( believe current cascading changes/Mayan calendar node mark man's spiritual evolution homeward.  At Swett Lodge recognize worldly concerns continue/thankfully/rapidly fall away.
     Siri Chand Kaur Khalsa - 'reflects god's light as moon reflects sun's' - Sikh physician
friend converse 'bout transitional times during MSN graduation visit, mentions caterpillar/butterfly mutation: some cells become butterfly, remainder transformation nourish mush.  Don't wanna be nourish mush when caterpillar slips down Alice's rabbit hole?  Best attend what y'am, remember flex.  Find - Gnostics anyone? - yourself, what you must adhere.  Earth's good people go on 'bout daily biz, most unaware: perhaps best.  No worries/fear, all play: them that needs can use plenty nourishment, gate's ope score.  See ya on t'other side???
     Unlikely encounter thought line elsewhere.  Now understand fiction's utility: screwball ideas acceptable; incontrovertible; question not sanity.  Swett Lodge on the edge: our gift to you.  Enjoy!
     Desire not alienate/offend: expression/thought freedom so valiantly/vitally championed by so many through millennia, feel comment compelled.  Certainly no biblical scholar here - and no doubt determined/artful interpreter able construe textual support any doctrine (how flexible, human mind!) - don't believe Bible asserts anywhere Christ>god one, ONLY path.  Luther underwent great hardship/peril over throw Catholicism 500 years ago, enable direct man>god path.  Seems prosthelytizing Christians all to willingly Christ>god mandatory path supplant pope>god path.  Swett Lodgic view: god/ma nature - fellow (Swett Lodge) rejuvenater, intuit erratic weather self heals - one/same; all are god's children.  Duality (black/white, life/death, sickness/health, matter/spirit, good/evil, heaven/hell, you/me, us/them) our world's divisive nature.  God's: unity.  Fret not, do what compels (convenient: allows my belief anything not intended help one another through these perilous times at best inappropriate, at worst plain wrong); THE good news: ultimately every last one (devouts, murderers, lovers, rapists, gays, thieves, bankers, bakers, sailors. tinkers, doctors, politicians, lawyers, housewives, saints) will know god's home's love, peace, life, grace, abundance; no silly - impossible - separateness thought withstanding.   Freedom.

     Sooo .... sprinkles awaken 6.30 am, preminisce torrential down pour few hours later.  Enjoy, after shop, from Trader Joe's lobby, head library/internet, unsuccessful search night's lodging; on hunch phone internet spec provider, - that's right: pluggin' 'em - at Flatbush end Brooklyn subway line, 'can repair, bring 'em out'.  45 minute ride massage eye sockets, inner upper
fully Swett Lodge dust encrusted tear ducts - four each eye, you know - realize cause recent tension retention, curmudgeonliness: each mote remove, jollier.  Sweet!
     Brooklyn/Flatbush dirty/gritty - wouldn't barefoot here save my life - earth salt inhabitants.  In Manhattan do anything - bank, buy, parking meter, cab, etc. - credit card.  Flatbush stores all have ATMs, accept no credit.  Kind Trinidadian - right eTc? - directs.  Expect arrive spec lab find dozens crafting, locate shop, discover three person outfit.  Corpulent owner prioritizes repair, all while berates long standing co-workers, ex-worker - now at lab due his recommendation - 'bout tardy lab; few hundred not multi-million - he's got my repeat biz - dollar orders, disgruntled clients.  Avers sends lab 15K monthly: great internet biz.  Talk 'bout incompetence, spurs his comment FB IPO largest in history though company actually makes no product.  Posit greed causes underpaid, ergo sloppy workers, concurs.  Notice FB founder married weekend following IPO?  Bet - gave 'em quite wedding present, did we not? - no accident!
     Most convincing evidence unity - not duality - home: love each daughter, every ounce heart.  Elder's - LadyChef - wealth exposure's given her cavalier financial attitude - money's almost play thing.  Uber talented, master all attempted, know she works long, hard earn; hasn't yet cause - though seems she's getting there - understand rest - 95% - salt - like Flatbushians - struggle, bleed every dime - money's no toy/joke - won't take much more squeeze, shatter prior.  Flatbush condition compared Manhattan's, long, stinky, crowded sub ride home - currently Central Park - emphasizes: folks, must change - easy or hard.  Homeward, blow right past little used, half green globe lamp marked, subway station.
     Thank you, spirit pilgrim's gatekeeper - strong heart, bandolier - Skye-o; look for gran.  Accidental Central Park mock homeless/spa week tremendous, cathartic, cleansing, heart opening.  Few relaxed, balmy, sunny days precede few damp; outside entire time: dawn Betheseda Terrace/Flatbush sub ride deep muscle
work, substance abstinence, sleep deprivation clears Swett Lodge body detritus, mind.  Can cry again, perhaps one day, laugh as well.  Inequality compels consume organism survival essentials; sustainable, doable improvement focus - make world better place.
     Way's clear, spirit time's upon us.  Lawn's no one green blade; ocean not wave; cloud sole droplet; tree, leaf; bloom, petal.  Guide us home.
     As you were.


Monday, May 7, 2012

'Til We Meet Again

     Project Sunday fourteen foot bug compromised center beam chunk replacement; Saturday midnight laundry/shower finish, then dinner; to die for spring day derail.  Final step rot extirpation awaits journey return.  Lazy day, hike southwest toward tony residential neighborhoods.  More demure, blushing sisters surround splay leg white rhody beauty near south side's Churchill high school.  Azalea, rhododendron brilliant blossoms joyously compete: prefer understated.
     Landscape slopes upward south Swett Lodge's valley floor, up to - locally 'Snob Hill' - beautiful valley/mountain view heights.  East, well beyond Cougar hot springs 45 miles distant, up Mackenzie River valley; snow cap apparitions rise above foot hills/emerald city downtown, crystal clear day.
     Trek west/down; traverse mighty Amazon ... Creek.  Piranhas here: human, smoke crack.
       Batch ferns Scrap Jim brought round, comliest; welcome addition east side's
growing Zen garden. 
     Already dim memory; yeah: huff, puff, jack, hammer, bludgeon, nail those perimeter joists; slip treated 2x6 sill plate, sill sealer underneath - just that easy, huh!  Start front west corner, work perimeter joist back, then sill plate.  Next jack bath floor, insert perimeter joist, then raise whole back side by stub joists, insert sill plate to west corner cajoling, nudging, 4x4 ramming, tweaking, aligning wall/subfloor/perimeter joist whole way. 
     Perimeter joist/sill plate renewed, temporary support wall finished: another late night augment front porch wood stash, 4x4 stack.
Remember how it looks without: near year!
     Crawl Swett Lodge under stretch string 'tween front/back foundation tops along new west beam: make straight, height appropriate.  Chain saw perimeter joist vents, hear distinct CRACK! cutting second from west front; clear floor runs off a lot from new beam to wall; finally (!) run string along foundation, reveal 3/4 inch low spot.
Siding undulates snake like, prompts replacement speculation.  Noodle solutions.  Tear out perimeter joist, custom fit 2x8 replace?  Hate redundant rework.  Further noodle, spawn elegant, simple solution.  Rip nine foot long four inch wide wedges from 2x4: remnants below.  Junk price thrift sale circle saw does me proud: custom hammer flatten tray; redrill factory blade angle setting holes, allow true ninety degree cut - baby's as good as Milwaukee, Makita.  Mark 2x4 wedge line; stand 2x4 beside 4x4; cut one side, blade buried, grinding nine feet inch by inch; flip 2x4; mark; finish cut; repeat.  Jack west front house by stub joists,
drive nine foot long four inch wide 3/4" to zero wedge between sill plate/perimeter joist so perimeter joist/stub joists bear on wedge (zero by electric conduit, 3/4" by vent),
 same deal toward front (zero at house front),
insert 1x6x3' (measures 3/4 inch thick) just south (right) second vent between wedges,
straighten Swett Lodge out, by gum!  Imagine foundation settle occur first ten years or so: hasn't been this straight over three score years.  Nice not feel sea sick looking out windows: level sills now curb/other building concur.  Keen eye will note roof line lump just beyond electric mast: final section kitchen wall removal should ameliorate.  Staple light/air permitting fabric over sawn vents, lightly nail uncut salvage siding sections 'tween 'til 1x12 bevel cedar siding finalize lower course.  Good paint job now will go long way revitalize Swett Lodge appearance.  Also note flat roof: Swett Lodge back on its own feet, roof/ceiling flatten - still require further support - more than expected.  Sweet!
       Temp wall toast, move cook stove final spot beside kitchen wall remnant: good cook west window view.  Ultimately truncate to half wall during west side gut/rewire, add narrow prep counter under window where coats hang: Chop Parkside.   
Enjoy round kitchen table, circle saw pie slice edit, rework round stove.
Just these few weeks shy summer solstice (!) Swett Lodge sunlit, ablaze near eight pm.
     Slowly, inexorably - just as grass colonizes bare earth - Swett Lodge's ten thousand piece puzzle comes together.  Some pieces surprise - circle table round stove, roof/ceiling rectification; some plain old hard work - rotten floor system.  Complete, that work opens myriad project doors, none nearly grueling as weeks long floor renovation effort.
Month's journey return, full summer ahead, most remaining efforts two-three days max, expect much Swett Lodge progress.  Owe few days, maybe week, replace center beam, final level floor, finalize piers; then - with God's grace - things Swett Lodge will clip along.  Be prepared.
     And well.